Visual Content More Efficient

Do you want a reason to publish fewer words and more pictures?
12 novembro 2014  .  reading time: 1 min.

Do you want a reason to publish fewer words and more pictures? Do you need a reason to understand why a video or a “call-to-action” button is more successful than text? Do you want to know why simple content is more engaging than a 2-page text?

            MOVE gives you 10 reasons!

1. With so much content delivered per second, you need to highlight your brand and nothing is better than visual or simplified content to help you grab audiences' attention.

2. Only 3% of human communication is not visual: a text is easier to understand with some picture to illustrate it.

3. A picture is processed easier and more effectively by the brain: 60.000 times faster than text.

4. Visual content increases your views around 48% and website visits around 94%.

5. A text doesn't go viral and viral content brings 60% more probability of being contacted for business.

6. Videos and pictures increase fans, followers and subscribers around 37%, making them 65% more engaged.

7. Icons to call users' attention are much more effective: 40% of visitors give faster answers than with links or text buttons.

8. Video content is the favorite! 26% of mobile users watch one at least once a day, and the average is 4hours of video per day.

9. Visual content generates and changes emotions easier: making users take action without thinking so hard.

10. A great picture or video makes audiences stay longer on the website or in social media: visual content will make them identify with or, at least, understand your message better.

Visual content marketing is one of the most powerful tools and it is undeniable that the use of this strategy is stimulating and engaging, which makes it a great way to reach consumers. What are you waiting for to improve your strategy?

in: (infographic)

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